About Us
Team 6918: The Cellar Rats
Founded in 2018
“To provide opportunities in order to inspire children of all ages to gain an understanding and appreciation of STEM and business, and to foster values of gracious professionalism and coopertition through participation in FIRST.”
- Team 6918 Mission Statement
Founded in 2018, Team 6918, also known as the Napa High Cellar Rats, is a high school FIRST FRC Robotics Team based out of Napa, California. We accept students from all over Napa County, no matter what school they go to. We believe that everybody should have a chance to be a part of an FRC team.
We are a robotics team committed to spreading STEM education. We are composed of young adults from diverse backgrounds, all of whom have a passion for engineering, manufacturing, programming, and business. No matter what your passions may be, there is a spot for you on our team! The Napa Robotics team provides opportunities to inspire children of all ages and foster an enjoyment of STEM education. Through involvement in the robotics program, individuals participate in community outreach and strengthen communication skills.
Our team believes that being a big part of your community is very important, so we do our best to hold as many opportunities as possible for people of all ages to experience elements of STEM and FIRST. This is done through open houses, public robot demonstrations, and appearances at events. An example of this was during the second week of build season when four of the team’s members set out to the Napa County Library for four hours to demonstrate our previous year’s robot, Roxanne, in action and to give the public a chance to drive it. However, we realize that not all members of our community would be able to drive Roxanne whether it be due to time restrictions or young age. So, we also set up a game with three of our VEX robots so that more members of the community could have an opportunity to play with the robots.