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2019 FRC Off-Season Blog


Posted by
Olivia E.

Capital City Classics Off-Season Competition!

This past weekend, the Napa High Cellar Rats attended the Capital City Classic off-season robotics event in Elk Grove, CA. This was our final competition with our 2019 robot, Neil, and we enjoyed it a lot! It was a fantastic opportunity for new team members to learn more about robotics, and to truly experience the competitions that we work so hard to attend. 


We kicked off Saturday with our first match, Qualification 4, equipped with a completely new drive team who were eager and ready to learn. We had some technical difficulties with the robot throughout ourfirst few matches, and even ended up breaking a metal shaft that was a part of our intake! Our final match of the day, Qualification 31, ended in a win as we played strong defense against a team on the opposing alliance.

Lifting Neil onto our robot cart after a match!

After rushing back to our shop to manufacture a new part, we returned to CCC on Sunday ready to try again. While we did not end up doing all that well, finishing the competition placed 30th out of 45 teams, it was an invaluable learning experience for our new team members to see why we love robotics so much.


Team Photo


Grabbing a hatch during a match


Placing a hatch in our robot's intake as we prepare for a match to begin!

Strategy discussion right before a match

2019 Robotics Summer Camp!


Posted by
Olivia E.

To kick off the first week of summer break, we are holding a week-long robotics summer camp. Our campers are currently in the final stages of programming their VEX robots before the final competition that we will hold tomorrow! They have spent this week learning how to CAD, program, build small motors, and even driving our FRC bot from this year, Neil. 


One of our team members assisting a camper with working a VEX robot.

One of our mentors, Mr J, giving a presentation on steam engines and how they produce electricity.

To kick off the first week of summer break, we are holding a week-long robotics summer camp. Our campers are currently in the final stages of programming their VEX robots before the final competition that we will hold tomorrow! They have spent this week learning how to CAD, program, build small motors, and even driving our FRC bot from this year, Neil. We have had a very successful week, and can't wait to do it again next year!

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